Uses of Class

Packages that use LogEntry   

Uses of LogEntry in

Methods in that return LogEntry
 LogEntry SnapShot.getTopEntry()
          Returns the most recent entry in the log, at the time of the snapshot

Methods in with parameters of type LogEntry
protected  SnapShot[] Folder.splitEmails(StoredEmail[] emails, LogEntry entry)
          Splits the emails into a bunch of snapshots, for a memory cap

Constructors in with parameters of type LogEntry
SnapShot(StoredEmail[] emails, LogEntry entry)
          Constructor for SnapShot.

Uses of LogEntry in

Subclasses of LogEntry in
 class AddFolderLogEntry
 class DeleteMailLogEntry
          An anti-email node, serves to cancel out the mail node that it matches up to.
 class DeleteMailsLogEntry
          An anti-emails node, serves to cancel out the mail node that it matches up to.
 class EmailLogEntry
          An abstract class for all email log entry types
 class InsertMailLogEntry
          Stores an email in the LogEntry chain.
 class InsertMailsLogEntry
          Stores an list of emails in the LogEntry chain.
 class RemoveFolderLogEntry
 class SnapShotLogEntry
          Serves as a summary of the log chain up to the current point.
 class UpdateMailLogEntry
          Adds the flags to the log entry
 class UpdateMailsLogEntry
          Adds the flags to the log entry

Methods in that return LogEntry
 LogEntry SnapShotLogEntry.getTopEntry()
          Returns the most recent entry in the log, at the time of the snapshot

Constructors in with parameters of type LogEntry
SnapShotLogEntry(StoredEmail[] emails, LogEntry top)
          Constructor for SnapShot.

Uses of LogEntry in

Subclasses of LogEntry in
protected  class CoalescedLog.PhantomLogEntry
          Internal class for bookkeeping log entries

Fields in declared as LogEntry
protected  LogEntry CoalescedLog.AddCoalescedLogEntryTask.entry
protected  LogEntry Log.topEntry
          The most recent entry in this log.

Methods in that return LogEntry
 LogEntry CoalescedLog.PhantomLogEntry.getCachedPreviousEntry()
          Returns the cached previous entry, if it exists and is in memory.
 LogEntry LogEntry.getCachedPreviousEntry()
          Returns the cached previous entry, if it exists and is in memory.

Methods in with parameters of type LogEntry
 void CoalescedLog.addLogEntry(LogEntry entry, Continuation command)
          This method appends an entry into the user's log, and updates the pointer to the top of the log to reflect the new object.
 void EncryptedLog.addLogEntry(LogEntry entry, Continuation command)
          This method appends an entry into the user's log, and updates the pointer to the top of the log to reflect the new object.
 void Log.addLogEntry(LogEntry entry, Continuation command)
          This method appends an entry into the user's log, and updates the pointer to the top of the log to reflect the new object.
protected  boolean LogEntry.contains(LogEntry entry)
          Returns whether or not this coaleseced log entry contains the provided entry
 void CoalescedLog.getLogEntryReferences(java.util.Set set, LogEntry entry, Continuation command)
          This method returns a list of all the handles stored in the folder or any subfolders.
 void Log.getLogEntryReferences(java.util.Set set, LogEntry entry, Continuation command)
          This method returns a list of all the handles stored in the folder or any subfolders.

Constructors in with parameters of type LogEntry
CoalescedLog.AddCoalescedLogEntryTask(LogEntry entry, Continuation command)
          This construct will build an object which will call the given command once processing has been completed, and will provide a result.
Log.AddLogEntryTask(LogEntry entry, Continuation command)
          This construct will build an object which will call the given command once processing has been completed, and will provide a result.


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