Uses of Class

Packages that use Message

Uses of Message in rice.pastry

Fields in rice.pastry declared as Message
protected  Message ScheduledMessage.msg

Methods in rice.pastry that return Message
 Message ScheduledMessage.getMessage()
          Returns the message

Methods in rice.pastry with parameters of type Message
 void NodeHandle.bootstrap(Message msg)
          Method which is used by Pastry to start the bootstrapping process on the local node using this handle as the bootstrap handle.
 void PastryNode.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          message receiver interface.
abstract  ScheduledMessage PastryNode.scheduleMsg(Message msg, long delay)
          Schedule the specified message to be sent to the local node after a specified delay.
abstract  ScheduledMessage PastryNode.scheduleMsg(Message msg, long delay, long period)
          Schedule the specified message for repeated fixed-delay delivery to the local node, beginning after the specified delay.
abstract  ScheduledMessage PastryNode.scheduleMsgAtFixedRate(Message msg, long delay, long period)
          Schedule the specified message for repeated fixed-rate delivery to the local node, beginning after the specified delay.
abstract  void PastryNode.send(NodeHandle handle, Message message)

Constructors in rice.pastry with parameters of type Message
ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage(PastryNode node, Message msg, Timer timer, long initialDelay, double expBase)
ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage(PastryNode node, Message msg, Timer timer, long delay, long initialPeriod, double expBase)
ScheduledMessage(PastryNode pn, Message msg)

Uses of Message in rice.pastry.client

Methods in rice.pastry.client with parameters of type Message
abstract  void CommonAPIAppl.deliver(Id key, Message msg)
          Called by pastry when a message arrives for this application.
 boolean PastryAppl.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
          Called by pastry when a message is enroute and is passing through this node.
 void CommonAPIAppl.messageForAppl(Message msg)
abstract  void PastryAppl.messageForAppl(Message msg)
          Called by pastry when a message arrives for this application.
 void CommonAPIAppl.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Called by pastry to deliver a message to this client.
 void PastryAppl.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Called by pastry to deliver a message to this client.
 void CommonAPIAppl.route(Id key, Message msg, NodeHandle hint)
          This operation forwards a message towards the root of key.
 void PastryAppl.routeMsg(Id key, Message msg, Credentials cred, SendOptions opt)
          Routes a message to the live node D with nodeId numerically closest to key (at the time of delivery).
 boolean PastryAppl.routeMsgDirect(NodeHandle dest, Message msg, Credentials cred, SendOptions opt)
          Sends a message to the Pastry node identified by dest.
 void PastryAppl.sendMessage(Message msg)
          Sends a message directly to the local pastry node.

Uses of Message in rice.pastry.commonapi

Subclasses of Message in rice.pastry.commonapi
 class PastryEndpointMessage
          This class is an internal message to the commonapi gluecode.

Methods in rice.pastry.commonapi with parameters of type Message
 void PastryEndpoint.messageForAppl(Message msg)
 void PastryEndpoint.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Called by pastry to deliver a message to this client.

Uses of Message in

Methods in with parameters of type Message
 ScheduledMessage BasicNetworkSimulator.deliverMessage(Message msg, DirectPastryNode node)
 ScheduledMessage NetworkSimulator.deliverMessage(Message msg, DirectPastryNode node)
          Deliver message ASAP.
 ScheduledMessage BasicNetworkSimulator.deliverMessage(Message msg, DirectPastryNode node, int delay)
 ScheduledMessage NetworkSimulator.deliverMessage(Message msg, DirectPastryNode node, int delay)
          Deliver message.
 ScheduledMessage BasicNetworkSimulator.deliverMessage(Message msg, DirectPastryNode node, int delay, int period)
 ScheduledMessage NetworkSimulator.deliverMessage(Message msg, DirectPastryNode node, int delay, int period)
          Deliver message.
 ScheduledMessage BasicNetworkSimulator.deliverMessageFixedRate(Message msg, DirectPastryNode node, int delay, int period)
 ScheduledMessage NetworkSimulator.deliverMessageFixedRate(Message msg, DirectPastryNode node, int delay, int period)
          Deliver message.
 void DirectNodeHandle.receiveMessage(Message msg)
 void DirectPastryNode.receiveMessage(Message msg)
 ScheduledMessage DirectPastryNode.scheduleMsg(Message msg, long delay)
          Schedule the specified message to be sent to the local node after a specified delay.
 ScheduledMessage DirectPastryNode.scheduleMsg(Message msg, long delay, long period)
          Schedule the specified message for repeated fixed-delay delivery to the local node, beginning after the specified delay.
 ScheduledMessage DirectPastryNode.scheduleMsgAtFixedRate(Message msg, long delay, long period)
          Schedule the specified message for repeated fixed-rate delivery to the local node, beginning after the specified delay.
 void DirectPastryNode.send(NodeHandle handle, Message message)
 boolean DirectSecurityManager.verifyMessage(Message msg)
          This method takes a message and returns true if the message is safe and false otherwise.

Uses of Message in rice.pastry.dist

Methods in rice.pastry.dist with parameters of type Message
 ScheduledMessage DistPastryNode.scheduleMsg(Message msg, long delay)
          Schedule the specified message to be sent to the local node after a specified delay.
 ScheduledMessage DistPastryNode.scheduleMsg(Message msg, long delay, long period)
          Schedule the specified message for repeated fixed-delay delivery to the local node, beginning after the specified delay.
 ScheduledMessage DistPastryNode.scheduleMsgAtFixedRate(Message msg, long delay, long period)
          Schedule the specified message for repeated fixed-rate delivery to the local node, beginning after the specified delay.
 ExponentialBackoffScheduledMessage DistPastryNode.scheduleMsgExpBackoff(Message msg, long delay, long initialPeriod, double expBase)

Uses of Message in rice.pastry.join

Subclasses of Message in rice.pastry.join
 class InitiateJoin
          Request for the join protocols on the local node to join the overlay.
 class JoinRequest
          Request to join this network.

Uses of Message in rice.pastry.leafset

Subclasses of Message in rice.pastry.leafset
 class BroadcastLeafSet
          Broadcast a leaf set to another node.
 class InitiateLeafSetMaintenance
          Initiate leaf set maintenance on the local node.
 class RequestLeafSet
          Request a leaf set from another node.

Uses of Message in rice.pastry.messaging

Methods in rice.pastry.messaging with parameters of type Message
 boolean MessageDispatch.dispatchMessage(Message msg)
          Dispatches a message to the appropriate receiver.
 MessageReceiver MessageDispatch.getDestination(Message msg)
 void MessageReceiver.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Passes a message along to entity which is this message receiver.

Uses of Message in rice.pastry.routing

Subclasses of Message in rice.pastry.routing
 class BroadcastRouteRow
          Broadcast message for a row from a routing table.
 class InitiateRouteSetMaintenance
          Initiate routing table maintenance on the local node
 class RequestRouteRow
          Request a row from the routing table from another node.
 class RouteMessage
          A route message contains a pastry message that has been wrapped to be sent to another pastry node.

Methods in rice.pastry.routing that return Message
 Message RouteMessage.unwrap()
          The wrapped message.

Constructors in rice.pastry.routing with parameters of type Message
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, Credentials cred)
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, Credentials cred, Address aux)
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, Credentials cred, SendOptions opts)
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, Credentials cred, SendOptions opts, Address aux)
RouteMessage(Id target, Message msg, NodeHandle firstHop, Address aux)
RouteMessage(NodeHandle dest, Message msg, Credentials cred, SendOptions opts, Address aux)

Uses of Message in

Methods in with parameters of type Message
 boolean PastrySecurityManager.verifyMessage(Message msg)
          This method takes a message and returns true if the message is safe and false otherwise.
 boolean PermissiveSecurityManager.verifyMessage(Message msg)

Uses of Message in rice.pastry.socket

Fields in rice.pastry.socket declared as Message
protected  Message SocketCollectionManager.MessageRetry.message

Methods in rice.pastry.socket that return Message
protected  Message SocketPastryNodeFactory.getResponse( address, Message message)
          This method anonymously sends the given message to the remote address, blocks until a response is received, and then closes the socket and returns the response.

Methods in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type Message
 void SocketSourceRouteManager.bootstrap(EpochInetSocketAddress address, Message message)
          Method which sends a bootstrap message across the wire.
 void SocketNodeHandle.bootstrap(Message msg)
          Method which is used by Pastry to start the bootstrapping process on the local node using this handle as the bootstrap handle.
 void SocketCollectionManager.bootstrap(SourceRoute path, Message message)
          Method which sends bootstraps a node by sending message across the wire, using a fake IP address in the header so that the local node is not marked alive, and then closes the connection.
protected  Message SocketPastryNodeFactory.getResponse( address, Message message)
          This method anonymously sends the given message to the remote address, blocks until a response is received, and then closes the socket and returns the response.
protected  CancellableTask SocketPastryNodeFactory.getResponse( address, Message message, Continuation c)
 void SocketNodeHandle.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Called to send a message to the node corresponding to this handle.
protected  void SocketSourceRouteManager.reroute(EpochInetSocketAddress address, Message m)
          Reroutes the given message.
 void SocketSourceRouteManager.send(EpochInetSocketAddress address, Message message)
          Method which sends a message across the wire.
 void SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager.send(Message message)
          Method which enqueues a message to this address
 void SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager.SourceRouteManager.send(Message message)
          Method which enqueues a message along this route
 void SocketPastryNode.send(NodeHandle handle, Message message)
 void SocketCollectionManager.send(SourceRoute path, Message message, SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager am)
          Method which sends a message across the wire.
protected  boolean SocketCollectionManager.sendInternal(SourceRoute path, Message message)
          Method which sends a message across the wire.
 boolean SocketPastrySecurityManager.verifyMessage(Message msg)
          This method takes a message and returns true if the message is safe and false otherwise.

Constructors in rice.pastry.socket with parameters of type Message
SocketCollectionManager.MessageRetry(SourceRoute route, Message message, SocketSourceRouteManager.AddressManager am)
          Constructor, taking a message and the route

Uses of Message in rice.pastry.socket.messaging

Subclasses of Message in rice.pastry.socket.messaging
 class DatagramMessage
          Class which represents a "ping" message sent through the socket pastry system.
 class IPAddressRequestMessage
          Class which represents a request for the external visible IP address
 class IPAddressResponseMessage
          Class which represents a request for the external visible IP address
 class LeafSetRequestMessage
          Message which represents a request to get the leafset from the remote node.
 class LeafSetResponseMessage
          A response message to a LeafSetRequestMessage, containing the remote node's leafset.
 class NodeIdRequestMessage
          Message which represents a request to get a node Id from the remote node.
 class NodeIdResponseMessage
          A response message to a NodeIdRequestMessage, containing the remote node's nodeId.
 class PingMessage
          Class which represents a "ping" message sent through the socket pastry system.
 class PingResponseMessage
          Class which represents a "ping" message sent through the socket pastry system.
 class RouteRowRequestMessage
          Message which represents a request to get the leafset from the remote node.
 class RouteRowResponseMessage
          A response message to a RouteRowRequestMessage, containing the remote node's routerow.
 class RoutesRequestMessage
          Message which represents a request to get the leafset from the remote node.
 class RoutesResponseMessage
          A response message to a RoutesRequestMessage, containing the remote node's routes.
 class SocketMessage
          Class which represents an abstract control message
 class WrongEpochMessage
          Class which represents a "ping" message sent through the socket pastry system.

Uses of Message in rice.pastry.standard

Subclasses of Message in rice.pastry.standard
 class ConsistentJoinMsg
 class InitiatePingNeighbor
          Initiate leaf set maintenance on the local node.

Methods in rice.pastry.standard with parameters of type Message
 void PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.messageForAppl(Message msg)
          Should not be called becasue we are overriding the receiveMessage() interface anyway.
 void StandardJoinProtocol.messageForAppl(Message msg)
          Should not be called becasue we are overriding the receiveMessage() interface anyway.
 void ConsistentJoinProtocol.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Handle the CJM as in the MSR-TR
 void PeriodicLeafSetProtocol.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Receives messages.
 void StandardJoinProtocol.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Receives a message from the outside world.
 void StandardLeafSetProtocol.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Receives messages.
 void StandardRouteSetProtocol.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Receives a message.
 void StandardRouter.receiveMessage(Message msg)
          Receive a message from a remote node.

Uses of Message in rice.pastry.testing

Subclasses of Message in rice.pastry.testing
 class HelloMsg
 class PingMessageNew
          PingMessageNew A performance test suite for pastry.

Fields in rice.pastry.testing declared as Message
 Message PastryRegrTest.lastMsg

Methods in rice.pastry.testing with parameters of type Message
 void RegrTestApp.deliver(Id key, Message msg)
 boolean HelloWorldApp.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id key, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
          Invoked on intermediate nodes in routing path.
 boolean Ping.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id from, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
 boolean PingClient.enrouteMessage(Message msg, Id from, NodeHandle nextHop, SendOptions opt)
 void HelloWorldApp.messageForAppl(Message msg)
          Invoked on destination node when a message arrives.
 void Ping.messageForAppl(Message msg)
 void PingClient.messageForAppl(Message msg)
 void LeafSetTest.TestNodeHandle.receiveMessage(Message m)


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