Uses of Interface

Packages that use Parameters   

Uses of Parameters in

Methods in with parameters of type Parameters
protected  void EmailProxy.startMailcap(Parameters parameters)
          Method which initializes the mailcap

Uses of Parameters in rice.environment

Methods in rice.environment that return Parameters
 Parameters Environment.getParameters()

Methods in rice.environment with parameters of type Parameters
static LogManager Environment.generateDefaultLogManager(TimeSource time, Parameters params)
static RandomSource Environment.generateDefaultRandomSource(Parameters params, LogManager logging)

Constructors in rice.environment with parameters of type Parameters
Environment(SelectorManager sm, Processor proc, RandomSource rs, TimeSource time, LogManager lm, Parameters params)

Uses of Parameters in rice.environment.logging

Fields in rice.environment.logging declared as Parameters
protected  Parameters AbstractLogManager.params

Constructors in rice.environment.logging with parameters of type Parameters
AbstractLogManager( stream, TimeSource timeSource, Parameters params, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String df)

Uses of Parameters in rice.environment.logging.file

Constructors in rice.environment.logging.file with parameters of type Parameters
FileLogManager(Parameters params)
          Convienience constructor.
FileLogManager( stream, Parameters params)
          Convienience constructor.
FileLogManager( stream, TimeSource timeSource, Parameters params)
FileLogManager( stream, TimeSource timeSource, Parameters params, java.lang.String prefix)
FileLogManager( stream, TimeSource timeSource, Parameters params, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String filePrefix, java.lang.String fileSuffix, java.lang.String dateFormat)
FileLogManager(TimeSource timeSource, Parameters params)
          Convienience constructor.
RotatingLogManager(TimeSource timeSource, Parameters params)
RotatingLogManager(TimeSource timeSource, Parameters params, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String dateFormat)

Uses of Parameters in rice.environment.logging.simple

Methods in rice.environment.logging.simple that return Parameters
 Parameters SimpleLogManager.getParameters()

Constructors in rice.environment.logging.simple with parameters of type Parameters
SimpleLogManager(Parameters params)
          Convienience constructor.
SimpleLogManager( stream, Parameters params)
          Convienience constructor.
SimpleLogManager( stream, TimeSource timeSource, Parameters params)
SimpleLogManager( stream, TimeSource timeSource, Parameters params, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String dateFormat)
SimpleLogManager(TimeSource timeSource, Parameters params)
          Convienience constructor.

Uses of Parameters in rice.environment.params.simple

Classes in rice.environment.params.simple that implement Parameters
 class SimpleParameters
          This class represents a generic Java process launching program which reads in preferences from a preferences file and then invokes another JVM using those prefs.

Uses of Parameters in rice.environment.time.simulated

Constructors in rice.environment.time.simulated with parameters of type Parameters
DirectTimeSource(Parameters p)

Uses of Parameters in rice.p2p.commonapi.testing

Fields in rice.p2p.commonapi.testing declared as Parameters
protected  Parameters CommonAPITest.params

Uses of Parameters in

Fields in declared as Parameters
protected  Parameters ConfigurationFrame.parameters
protected  Parameters ConfigurationFrame.ChangePasswordFrame.parameters
protected  Parameters PostProxy.parameters
          The parameters we are running with
protected  Parameters PostProxy.PasswordFrame.parameters
protected  Parameters PostProxy.SMTPServerPanel.parameters

Methods in with parameters of type Parameters
protected  void PostProxy.startDeterminePorts(Parameters parameters)
          Method which determines the local ports to use
protected  void PostProxy.startDetermineSMTPServer(Parameters parameters)
          Method which determines the local SMTP server to use
protected  void PostProxy.startDialog(Parameters parameters)
          Method which sees if we are going to use a proxy for the pastry node, and if so initiates the remote connection.
protected  void PostProxy.startGlobalPastryNode(Parameters parameters)
          Method which starts up the local pastry node
protected  void PostProxy.startLoadRingCertificates(Parameters parameters)
          Method which loads the ring certificates ports to use
protected  void PostProxy.startRetrieveCAKey(Parameters parameters)
          Method which retrieves the CA's public key
protected  void PostProxy.startRetrieveUser(Parameters parameters)
          Method which retrieve the post user's certificate and key
protected  void PostProxy.startRetrieveUserCertificate(Parameters parameters)
          Method which retrieve's the user's certificate
protected  void PostProxy.startRetrieveUserClone(Parameters parameters)
          Method which sets up the post log we're going to clone, if we can't find ours
protected  void PostProxy.startRetrieveUserKey(Parameters parameters)
          Method which retrieves the user's encrypted keypair
protected  void PostProxy.startRetrieveUsername(Parameters parameters)
          Method which determines the username which POST should run with
protected  void PostProxy.startSecurityManager(Parameters parameters)
          Method which installs a modified security manager
protected  void PostProxy.startShutdownHooks(Parameters parameters)
          Method which installs shutdown hooks
protected  void PostProxy.startUpdateUser(Parameters parameters)
          Method which updates the user certificate from userid.certificate and userid.keypair.enc to
protected  void PostProxy.startVerifyUserCertificate(Parameters parameters)
          Method which verifies the user's certificate
protected  void PostProxy.startVerifyUserKey(Parameters parameters)
          Method which verifies the user's encrypted keypair
protected  void PostProxy.updateParameters(Parameters parameters)

Constructors in with parameters of type Parameters
ConfigurationFrame.ChangePasswordFrame(Parameters p)
PostProxy.PasswordFrame(Parameters p)
PostProxy.SMTPServerPanel(Parameters p)

Uses of Parameters in rice.proxy

Fields in rice.proxy declared as Parameters
protected  Parameters Proxy.AutomaticUpdater.parameters

Methods in rice.proxy with parameters of type Parameters
protected  java.lang.String Proxy.buildJavaCommand(Parameters parameters)
protected  java.lang.String[] Proxy.buildJavaEnvironment(Parameters parameters)

Constructors in rice.proxy with parameters of type Parameters
Proxy.AutomaticUpdater(Parameters parameters)


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